
Think Tank

Manfred Dahmen

Creative Director

Klaus Wiesel

Facility Manager

Ivo Franz 

»Das ist ja der Satz, weswegen ich so oft ausgelacht werde. Kann Plastik die Welt verändern? (lacht) Ja!«

Joseph Heinrich Beuys (1921-1986)

Ambassadors of the REPUBLIC OF BEUYS

Cliff Gorman

United Kingdom

In early career, Cliff Gorman studied and taught Physics and Chemistry.


Environmental concerns helped influence a change of direction (science to the soil)


1979 became grower of plants – as M.D. became one of largest growers of container-grown hardy nursery stock in U.K.


In 1983 meets Paul Russell Cooper following his request for advice on the use of plants for his Quincunc sculptural series. Inspired by Paul, become interested in arts, sculpture etc – especially use of plants in contemporary sculpture. Close collaboration ensues.


Creation of the first (not present) Avant Gardens Ltd – desire to bring art, in contemporary way, back into the traditional garden scene/industry. Pioneer in this respect. Challenging & provocative.


Learning of German artist Joseph Beuys’s focus on environmental/social issues, and in particular, his monumental work “7,000 oaks”, became intensely involved with study of the art and ideas of Beuys. 

Contact:  [email protected]

Alejandro Scasso (left)


Alejandro Scasso (born 1964) is a visual artist , known for his melding of collage, painting, drawing.·@alejandroscassostudio·

Plakat von Klaus Heckhoff  "?! zum hundertjährigen Beuys"